Làm thế nào để chọn một loại băng vải Israel chất lượng cao

Làm thế nào để chọn một loại băng vải Israel chất lượng cao

What is the Israeli Bandage ?

Emergency bandage is also called Israeli bandage, là một thiết bị sơ cứu được thiết kế đặc biệt được sử dụng để cầm máu vết thương xuất huyết do chấn thương trong các tình huống cấp cứu trước khi nhập viện. It is one of the most important item in the military individual first aid kit. The quality of the Israeli bandage is very important. Today, we will tell how to test the quality of the Israeli bandage.

Firstly, let’s see the Key components of the Israeli bandage.

  • Non-adherent sterile pad : Eliminating the risk of causing pain and having the wound re-opened upon removal of the bandage.
  • Elasticized cloth : Keeping the wound area clean and maintaining the pad and pressure on the wound firmly in place, including immobilization of the injured limb or body part.
  • Pressure applicator : Creating the immediate direct pressure to the wound site.
  • Closure bar : Enabling closure and fixation of the Emergency Bandage at any point, on all parts of the body: no pins and clips, no tape, no velcro, no knots.
Băng bó của Israel

Secondly, let’s see the quality.

  1. The good quality bandage with high density Elasticized cloth, while bad quality one with low density, pill Elasticized cloth.
  2. The good quality bandage with strong Pressure applicator, high quality glue to make the pressure applicator and the elasticized cloth stick together. The bad quality bandage with thin Pressure applicator, bad and not enough glue to make the Pressure applicator easy take off from the elasticized cloth.

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