Кровоостанавливающая марля для экстренной помощи Хитозановая гемостатическая марля

Кровоостанавливающая марля для экстренной помощи Хитозановая гемостатическая марля

We also can provide soluble hemostatic guze

cellulose hemostatic gauze(have FDA certificate)


Emergency first aid blood stopping Chitosan hemostatic gauze

Chitosan hemostatic gauze had Chisotan powder on the surface of the guazethat guaze can work on stop bleedingChitosan is a promising hemostatic agent because it can adhere to red blood cells and encourages platelets to adhere, activate, and aggregate at the site of vascular injury.

Product DescriptionsHemostatic Gauze is a 100% pure Chitosan Hemostatic dressing intended to provide a wet surrounding for wound care purposes.

Intended use: for the rapid control of moderate to severe bleeding and management of abrasions, lacerations, contusions, puncture wounds, and burns.

Instruction to use

  1. Use the appropriate size and number of Hemostatic Gauze based on the wound area and amount of bleeding or exudatesand clean the wound surroundings.
  2. Apply Chitosan Hemostatic Gauze directly to the wound.
  3. To control bleedingapply firm pressure for 3 минуты.
  4. Secure it with adequate dressing covermaintaining pressure on the wound.
  5. For burnsirritate before covering the wound completely with dressingapply a dressing cover secure.
  6. When removing or replacinguse sterile saline or water to rinse the gauze and any remnants.


Warning and precautions

1.For external use only.

2.For use by medical professionals.


Технические характеристики:(can also customize)

production name

Хитозановая кровоостанавливающая марля

1 7.5cm*60cm
2 7.5cm*120cm
3 7.5cm*150cm
4 7.5cm*180cm
5 7.5cm* 370 см
или you can customize the suze





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