Trousse de premiers soins pour la maison

Trousse de premiers soins pour la maison

Pourquoi avons-nous besoin d'une trousse de secours familiale?

La vie est pleine de surprises. Il arrive, Es-tu prêt?

La famille dispose d'une trousse de secours suffisante, qui est le moyen le plus pratique et le plus sûr de traiter avec votre famille!

Risques courants pour la sécurité domestique:

  • Cut and scratch
  • Slight burns, y compris les coups de soleil
  • Slight sprained and strain
  • Insect bites
  • Mild allergy reaction

What should I put in the first aid box?

Every kit varies from home, but we can provide you with a basic plan.

Disinfectant hand

Do you have a lot of washing effort in your popular preparation? Some of them are added to your first aid kit, so you can clean your hands before injury.

Wound care supplies

Many family injuries are a category of general wounds (thinking about kitchen small accidents and sidewalks), so they have items in your first aid kit to help you clean up and bandage.

Used to clean the wound:

Disinfectant and small towels.
Light bulb suction device for flushing the wound.
Eye drops.
hydrogen peroxide.
Spray bottle of brine wound detergent.

Used to treat wound:

Antibiotic ointment.
Aloe vera gel.
Furnace gangnite lotion.
Hydrogenated pine cream or ointment.

Used in bandaging wounds

Bandages of all sizes to accommodate varying injuries.
Sterile gauze tape for dressing wounds.
Adhesive tape for securely applying gauze.
Elastic bandage wraps, which can be used for everything from stabilizing a sprained ankle to holding an ice pack in place.

Other household items

You may wish to add other helpful household items into your first-aid kit, too. Here are a few that are handy in case of emergencies:

Cotton balls and swabs.
Examination gloves.
First-aid manual.
Face masks.
Lampe de poche.
Petroleum jelly or other lubricant.
Pince à épiler, which are especially helpful for removing splinters.


en outre, you also need to consider your family’s specific needs, such as age, medical history, and geographic location.

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